Scar-free Wound Treatment
‘Burn-wound healing is a dynamic, interactive process involving a number of cellular and molecular events and is characterized by inflammation, granulation tissue formation, re-epithelialization, and tissue remodeling. Unlike incisional-wound healing, it also requires extensive re-epithelialization due to a predominant horizontal loss of tissue and often heals with abnormal scarring when burns involve deep dermis. The early mammalian fetus has the remarkable ability to regenerate normal epidermis and dermis and to heal dermal incisional wounds with no signs of scarring. Extensive research has indicated that scarless healing appears to be intrinsic to fetal skin.’ Quote, Fetuin-A: A Major Fetal Serum Protein that Promotes "Wound Closure" and Scarless Healing
Burn wounds normally cause extensive, deep scars, scars which are particularly harmful in children due to scar tissue’s inability to stretch or grow like normal skin. This property in scar tissue can cause long term problems in burn victims as the scar tissue causes irregular
growth and joint dislocation in growing patients. Recently, however, a new method of healing burn wounds without scaring is being researched. This method involves using a blood protein developed in the liver, Fetuin-A, to speed up dermis regeneration and prevent scaring. This binding protein, normally present in adult humans but far more abundant in foetuses, has been previously attributed to prevention of organ calcification, but recent studies into the foetuses ability to quickly heal without scaring has lead to research into application of this protein in burns recovery.
‘Burn-wound healing is a dynamic, interactive process involving a number of cellular and molecular events and is characterized by inflammation, granulation tissue formation, re-epithelialization, and tissue remodeling. Unlike incisional-wound healing, it also requires extensive re-epithelialization due to a predominant horizontal loss of tissue and often heals with abnormal scarring when burns involve deep dermis. The early mammalian fetus has the remarkable ability to regenerate normal epidermis and dermis and to heal dermal incisional wounds with no signs of scarring. Extensive research has indicated that scarless healing appears to be intrinsic to fetal skin.’ Quote, Fetuin-A: A Major Fetal Serum Protein that Promotes "Wound Closure" and Scarless Healing
Burn wounds normally cause extensive, deep scars, scars which are particularly harmful in children due to scar tissue’s inability to stretch or grow like normal skin. This property in scar tissue can cause long term problems in burn victims as the scar tissue causes irregular