13 May 2009

Genetic Cause Of Most Common Form Of Breast Cancer Identified

Tumor-suppressor genes collaborate with others in a complex biochemical system which maintains cell growth and division, thus being disease free. Scientists from the University of North Carolina discovered defects in the p18 gene which overrides this system to create luminal tumors. This eventually leads to cancer.

Yue Xiong, the senior author for this study, 
explains that this gene is extremely important in creating a "braking mechanism" to prevent the growth of cancer cells. Xiong and his colleagues used mice which had been genetically engineered to delete the p18 gene. A reliably similar model to that of human breast cancers was established. The model was tested through analysis of 300 human breast cancer patients. A high correlation between the decreased expression of the p18 gene and the development of luminal tumors was observed. 

While the mechanism behind luminal tumors is dissimilar to that of other forms of breast cancer, Xiong explains that understanding this mechanism combined with the mouse model is beneficial to human patients, as treatments can be specifically tested.

This knowledge and discovery in combination with new laboratory techniques can help scientists test treatments and identify luminal-type tumors. These account for 70 to 80 percent of all breast cancers.
