Research done by Mike Hasegawa and Kenji Miura, a professor and assistant professor from Tsukuba University in Japan has successfully identified a process that control germination of seed named as sumoylation. This process will prevent the germination of seed if the condition is not favourable.
During unfavourable condition, the abscisic acid (ABA) is high. This will increase the level of ABI5 protein and hence activate the gene that prevents germination. On the other hand, when the condition is suitable and optimal for seed germination, SUMO peptide will bind to the ABI5 protein. This will deactivate the protein, and the gene that prevents germination will be switched off.
This finding is essential as we can manipulate this process as a tool to increase the yield of plantation. This research was funded by the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Reference :
Purdue University. "Process That Regulates Seed Germination Identified." ScienceDaily 18 March 2009. 17 May 2009 <http://www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2009/03/090311170637.htm>
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