Many people greatly dislike any tell-tale sign of aging appearing on their body, and modern society has available many temporary fixes for the disguising of such visual signs as wrinkles, age spots and greys.
But what if a temporary aging-antidote could become permanent? What if scientists were able to identify the specific genes that allowed grey hairs to appear on someone's head, and were able to stop these genes in their tracks? This could well be the case, according to an article found on www.Buzzle.com (which follows many new genetic discoveries around the world).
But what if a temporary aging-antidote could become permanent? What if scientists were able to identify the specific genes that allowed grey hairs to appear on someone's head, and were able to stop these genes in their tracks? This could well be the case, according to an article found on www.Buzzle.com (which follows many new genetic discoveries around the world).
Grey hair could soon be able to be changed into black after scientists have made the first discoveries about the effects of changing certain scalp genes on someone's hair. Basically, the mutation causing hair to go grey was corrected, and this returned pigment to the hair. Tests have previously been successful in albino mice.
Link to article: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/genetic-help-to-negate-gray-hair.html