Recent investigation into the mysterious patterns which appear annually in agricultural crops worldwide have revealed surprising structural changes on the cellular level in affected plant tissue.
Dr Levengood, a prominent researcher in the field has found that localise
Furthur investigation of the plant sample revealed serious malformations during embryo genesis and charring of the epidermal tissue, while leaving the somatic tissue of the wheat head unaltered (Leevengood 1999). Seeds selected from other sampled formations showed a significant increase in germination rate and a higher virility when affected after a certain stage of development (Leevengood 1999).
Leevengood concluded that the structural changes in the affected wheat plants could not be explained by a physical crushing of the stems and the changes in the wheat head ruled out known chemical and ionising radiation effects, since these would affect somatic tissue as well as the wheat seed. Interestingly, micrographs of the chromosomal pattern during interphase in affected cells shows DNA aligned in an intricately ordered pattern, as compared to control samples taken just outside the circle (Leevengood 1999)
Leevengood et al. suggests one possible source capable of producing the highly ordered and intense electromagnetic fields needed for such precise manipulation of the plant cells, may be high energy plasma vorticies similar to those produced by bolts of lightening. Certainly some of the geometry revealed by the formations suggests a level of complexity expressed in resonant cymatic forms, this in itself providing evidence there is much to learn in all fields of science from natural phenomena such as crop formations.
Owen Noonan -s41164398
W.C. Levengood, N.Talbott, 1999, Dispersion energies in worldwide crop formations. Physiologia Plantarum. vol. 105 p.615-624
W.C. Levengood 1994. Anatomical abnormalities in crop formation plants. Physiologia Plantarum. vol. 92 p.353-363
google images - crop circles.