25 March 2009

Special Yogurt Fights Stomach Ulcer Bacteria

Having trouble getting your recommended daily dairy intake? Now there is an extra incentive for you – a new type of yoghurt that fights stomach ulcer bacteria.

A team of Japanese scientists headed by Dr. Hajime

Hatta, presented at the 237th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society the results of a world-first human clinical trial that confirmed a new type of yogurt that fights stomach bacteria. Sold under the name “Dr. Piro” in Japan and “Gut” in Korea, the new type of yoghurt combats bacteria in your stomach that causes gastritis and stomach ulcers. Although not as effective as the antibiotics commonly used to treat stomach ulcers (though a lot easier to take), this new yoghurt decreases one’s chances of acquiring stomach ulcers through antibodies present in the yoghurt.

Commonly caused by a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), the bacteria attaches itself to a protein called urease and then would consequently infect one’s stomach lining. Hatta and his team of scientists first injected chickens with urease and then harvested antibodies called IgY-urease from chicken eggs produced by the chicken’s immune systems. Hatta then hypothesized that yoghurt containing these antibodies would prevent the bacteria from infecting stomach linings therefore prevent stomach ulcers.

The clinical trial involved 42 participants who had previously been tested positive to the bacteria. The 42 people were separated into two groups; one was given plain yoghurt, the other, yoghurt with the antibody. After four weeks of daily consumption, the group that was given the yoghurt with the antibody showed a drastic decrease in the number of urea (the by-product of ureaser) present in the body as compared to the group that was given the plain yoghurt.

By 42006730

Original article

ScienceDaily, 2009, ‘Special Yogurt Fights Stomach Ulcer Bacteria’ ScienceDaily LLC, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/03/090322154405.htm