This article as the title exposes is about the modern day advances in human cloning. The article tracks a five day week of Dr. Emily Senay. It is based on a TV show which attempts to produce the perfect baby, using science the process of cloning a human being. On Monday she takes the decision to produce a baby from cloning. On Tuesday she researches for what she has to do in order to perfectly clone her human being. On the Wednesday she speaks to Michael West of Advanced Cell Technology. Whose work is based on cloning human embryos to study the stem cells they contain. On Thursday she meets with bioethicist Gregory Stock and discusses possibilities and probabilities of "germline engineering", which is the "manipulation of the genetics of egg or sperm (our 'germinal' cells) to modify future generations." On Friday she discovers that couples who are treated for IVF (intro-virto fertilisation) are given the opportunity to have their embryos screened in attempt to prematurely detect any genetic defect to their possible upcoming child. The article finishes up on Friday where Dr. Emily Senay is still on the pursuit of being able to clone the perfect human baby.