26 April 2009

Stem Cell hope for Age-related Macular Degeneration patients

Original Article: Stem Cell Therapy for Blind, News.com: http://news.scotsman.com/health/Stem-cell-therapy-hope-for.5184037.jp

With so much focus on stem cells in modern medicine, it would make sense that this new technology for applied to the field of vision and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). AMD is the most common cause of blindness, yet treatment is something that has long eluded medical researchers. Although taking high dosages of Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Zinc has been proven to significantly prevent this disease, treatment options for patients currently suffering the illness has been difficult to come by until now(Horton, 2008). British scientists believe that have found a solution to this problem using embryonic stem cells to create a layer of newly formed cells that are subsequently inserted into the back of the retina. The research is being conducted by a group of scientists at the Institute of Ophthalmology in London. It is claimed that with this new technology, the procedure of placing the cells into the patient’s eyes can take as little as one hour to complete.

Special interest comes into this field with the fact that Pfizer, one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies has decided to fund this research and push its use on patients in the future. It becomes clear therefore that if this treatment were to go ahead, it would have a huge financial backing making it more easily accessible to the everyday sufferer.

The new research however, is not without ethical issues. The use of embryonic stem cells is required for this particular procedure. These stem cells have the ability to change into any type of cell within the body. However, with this usefulness comes the fact that they can only ever be taken from an embryo killing the extremely sensitive embryo for the sake of these precious cells. The fact that many believe these embryos to possess the same human rights as everyday people, debate sparks as to whether these stem cells should be utilized for anything at all. In an ageing community, the frequency of AMD would rise fervently, as such, any research into treatment for this illness cannot go unnoticed, especially one that seems to be so close to our reach.

Jeffrey Cheng 42020772