27 April 2009

The Sixth Sense.

The Sixth Sense.
ESP, or Extra Sensory Perception, is the ability to sense things without using the 5 senses of the body; For example to see with the eyes, to hear without the ears, using some psychic ability. Twins have been a natural subject matter for those exploring the possibility and seeking evidence of ESP, thanks to the fascinating closeness shared by these special siblings.
There are two kinds of twins, “fraternal” and “identical”, and studies of twins involve both groups and encompass much more than ESP. It has been noted that twins often share a secret language, using words and gestures and noises that others would find nonsensical, but which twins clearly understand. The key to the twin’s secret languages may also unlock the mysteries behind twins and ESP.
There are many anecdotal accounts of twins and ESP in action, such as the above. One twin gets a sense of danger, or announces that something has happened to their twin, and later there is confirmation. When taken into the laboratory, however, there is not a lot of empirical proof that twins posses ESP, just as there is not a lot of empirical proof regarding ESP in general.

Scientists who has previously done study on twins with the help of methods like questionnairs to see if their prediction rate was similar to that of the twin has given interesting results.The Twins often did predict the same answers but then so did close family people who has a strong personal relationship like parents,children,husband,wives and so on.. It is common in this world where people who live so close together tend to understand how the other thinks,often unconsciously.As is the case when you wait to cross the road the car on the road stops and you know the driver wants you to cross the road safely.
One theory holds that some people such as seers, prophets and diviners were born with the gift, and that such talents are inherited. Another theory holds that it is a primordial sense which has decreased in populations as cultures have advanced. Still another theory claims ESP is a supersense which evolves in the nervous system
(Ref: http://library.thinkquest.org/C0120993/espfull.html)