GM Rice and Allergies
Allergies affect a large percentage of the population and by the genetic modification of rice; a solution to this common problem may develop in the very near future. A research team from Japan’s National Institute for Agrobiological Sciences led by researcher, Fumio Takaiwa, have designed rice for people allergic to Japanese cedar pollen, blocking symptoms of runny noses and sneezing. This rice has been genetically modified to contain seven proteins of cedar pollen which provoke allergic reactions. Upon regular ingestion of these proteins, patients develop an “oral tolerance” to them and allergic responses are dampened down because the immune system learns not to overreact to harmless foreign material.The proteins have been engineered in rice such that they are produced the endoplasmic reticulum, a part of plant rice cells that does not digest in the stomach. This strategy allows the proteins to have their effect, which is soon to be proven by the clinical trials on people. This follows the assessment conducted on macques that has affirmed the safety of these different proteins. If successful, this genetic modification of rice strategy would expand to other allergies like house mites, and thus further eliminating the need for antihistamines products like nasal sprays and eye drops. Esmail 42067357